Question NW4209 to the Minister of Home Affairs
21 December 2023 - NW4209
Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs
What process does his department follow in removing persons who have (a) denounced and (b) lost/forfeited their South African citizenship from the population register; (2) whether there is any backlog in removing persons from the population register; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the total number of persons that constitute the backlog and (b) on what date is it envisaged that the backlog will be eradicated?
(1)(a) When an applicant applies for renunciation and submits a guarantee letter, [of a pending offer of citizenship by another country] the applicant is issued with a renunciation letter, and his/her ID number is converted from a SA citizen ID number to a non-SA citizen ID number.
(1)(b) Same as above.
(2)(a) There is no backlog.
2(b) Not applicable