Question NW3549 to the Minister of Water and Sanitation

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17 November 2023 - NW3549

Profile picture: Mohlala, Ms MR

Mohlala, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Of the 334 municipal wastewater treatment works mentioned in the 2022 Green Drop report as being in a critical state and consequently placed under regulatory surveillance and required to submit a detailed corrective plan within 60 days, what (a) total number of municipalities complied and (b) specific actions were taken against noncompliant municipalities?


The Department released the Green Drop 2023 Watch Report in June 2023 which is an interim report to keep the public and stakeholders updated and informed on the progress made by municipalities to remedy failing dysfunctional wastewater infrastructure and compliance.

  1. The Department received corrective action plans (CAPS) from municipalities for 189 of the 334 wastewater systems (i.e. 57% response rate). By June 2023, only 84 of the 189 plans submitted to the department were being implemented, with the balance being in planning phase or no progress reported.
  2. For those municipalities which did not submit corrective action plans, DWS has issued directives in terms of the National Water Act compelling them to submit such plans. Criminal charges have been laid against some of the municipalities which have not submitted corrective action plans and are non-compliant to NWA directives previously issued. Further cases are being investigated and the Department is finalising case dockets and will subsequently refer these cases to the National Prosecuting Authority to prosecute non-compliant municipalities.

The Department has entered a Plea Sentencing Agreement with three (3) municipalities that were non-compliant with the provisions of the National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998). As a result, fines have been imposed through a Court Order. The Department is continuing to monitor the implementation of the order to ensure compliance. Furthermore, a Court Interdict was obtained against Msukaligwa LM for causing pollution of the water resources.



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