Question NW3076 to the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

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06 October 2023 - NW3076

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

(1)What number of megawatts (MWs) (a) has Mozambique undertaken to provide to the Republic in terms of the contractual relationship with Mozambique and (b) is the Republic currently using; (2) whether the Republic uses all the allocated MWs; if not, what are the reasons for the underutilisation of electricity in the midst of the loadshedding crisis; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what are the terms of the agreement in respect of (a) the period, (b) the pricing matrix and (c) other material elements of the agreement?


(1)(a)Mozambique is currently developing a number of power plant projects and is engaging with South Africa at present. At this point, there are no firm commitments. The projects would need to be incorporated into the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).

(1)(b) Yes, Eskom is currently using the power from Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB), as well as purchasing power from the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) competitive markets, which, at times, includes power from Mozambique. Eskom has aspirations to buy power from cross-border countries. Depending on the pricing and technical feasibility, Eskom will procure power from Mozambique in terms of a fair, transparent, and equitable process.

(2) Eskom utilises the allocated megawatts (MWs) most of the time. On odd occasions, Eskom is unable to access the power when there are limiting factors, including infrastructure faults.

(3) (a) 31 March 2030.

(b) The price is based on avoiding the cost of building a baseload station.

(c) 1 150 MW capacity.

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