Question NW800 to the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

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25 March 2022 - NW800

Profile picture: Weber, Ms AMM

Weber, Ms AMM to ask the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

(1) Whether she will provide Ms A M M Weber with a copy of the National Register of animals hunted by (a) international clients and/or (b) the SA Professional Hunting Statistics that was collated by her department from the provincial registers based on information submitted to the province by professional hunting association in (i)2018 and (iii) 2020; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details; (2) Whether she will furnish Ms A M M Weber with a list of species hunted by international clients in terms of the (a) number of each species hunted, (b) value of each species hunted and (c) number of international clients who hunted each species listed by (i) country and/or nationality and (ii) the number of each species by nationality of hunters?


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