Question NW2376 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

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22 August 2023 - NW2376

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Mr TW

Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1). What impact does the ongoing litigation against the outcomes of the elections held in 2022 have on the day-to-day operations of the SA Football Association (SAFA) and its legacy trust. (2). what is the status of the criminal investigation against the SAFA President filed by a former SAFA National Executive Committee Member, as stated in the SAFA Annual Financial Statement? NW2713E


(1). According to SAFA, the day-to-day work is progressing without any hindrance. The Legacy Trust as an entity has concluded its work and a closeout report has been sent to Parliament through the Department of Sport Arts and Culture and to the Portfolio Committee of Sport during SAFA’s appearance in April 2023. The ongoing litigations only mean that some of the funds meant for football development is now being channeled to defending the Association against such litigations.

(2). The status can only be provided by law enforcement and the individual who laid the charges.

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