Question NW2036 to the Minister of Finance

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26 June 2023 - NW2036

Profile picture: Abrahams, Ms ALA

Abrahams, Ms ALA to ask the Minister of Finance

Considering that the National Development Agency (NDA) was initially part of a list proposed by the National Treasury and The Presidency in an attempt to achieve financial savings by rationalising and/or closing public entities, (a) what was the rationale for having the NDA featured on the list, (b) what was the rationale for removing the NDA from the list, (c) what recommendations were given to the Department of Social Development and the NDA to improve on cost cutting measures and stay off the list, (d) under what circumstances can the NDA find itself back on the list and (e) what are the names of the other entities on the list?


Given the very tight fiscal framework in 2023/24 and current problems such as the cost of the 2023 wage agreement, central government departments are re-opening discussions around rationalization of Departments (NMOG) and public entities. Whereas this process is starting up, there is at this stage no agreed upon list of entities that should be rationalized or closed. Thus, it would be premature to name any specific entities that might be under consideration. That said, government probably has far too many public entities especially given our fiscal circumstances.

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