Question NW1974 to the Minister of Finance

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26 June 2023 - NW1974

Profile picture: Mkhaliphi, Ms HO

Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether officials from the National Treasury met with representatives of SOSO South Africa Co-operative Limited to discuss the proposal for the establishment of a multi-donor trust fund that is earmarked to be the first local ward-based social impact development fund; if not, why not; if so, (2) whether further correspondence with the National Treasury was entered into; if not, why not; if so, what was the outcome?


1. Yes, National Treasury officials within the International Development Cooperation unit of the Budget Office met with Mr Frazer Mbili on Thursday, 27 October 2022 at 14H00 to 15H00 (Ms Teams meeting).

2. Following the meeting of the 27th of October 2022, and as agreed, Mr Mbili was to send various documentation as verification of sources of co-financing (from co-financiers, UK Investment Group, the Humanitarian Forgive Loan Programme) of SOSO engagement with Government (Service Level Agreements) as well as the financing model proposed. The documentation sent by Mr Mbili of 7 November 2022 did not include any verification documentation. The National Treasury could therefore not verify the information received from Mr Mbili and he was requested to send the outstanding information.

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