Question NW3864 to the Minister of Social Development:

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23 December 2022 - NW3864

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development:

What (a) total number of civil society organisations were invited to the Presidential Social Sector Summit and (b) are the details of the role her department played in inviting the specified organisations?


a) A Presidential Social Sector Summit which was held on the 4th and 5th August 2022, was physically attended by a total of 1 032 civil society organisations.

To maximise reach, various online platforms were created to ensure participation. A total of 59 251 Civil society organisations connected and provincial breakdown attendance by location was as follows:

Cape Town – 12 411

Pretoria – 11 387

Durban – 8 542

Soweto – 5 868

Johannesburg – 6 069

Port Elizabeth – 3 481

Polokwane – 3 249

Bloemfontein – 3 243

East London – 2 538

Pietermaritzburg – 2 463

Those who connected virtually were represented with gender proportion of 38.6% males and 61.4% females.

b) The Department of Social Development was a coordinating department responsible for organising the summit. A steering committee was set up consisting of Department of Social Development, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), National Planning Commission (NPC), National Development Agency (NDA) and Civil Society represented by National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Community Constituency.

The Department was responsible to invite other government departments from the Social Cluster, and to invite about 406 NPOs, in addition, the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) Community Constituency was also allocated a responsibility to invite 50 civil society organisations from its constituency.

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