Question NW1277 to the Minister of Finance

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17 May 2023 - NW1277

Profile picture: Shaik Emam, Mr AM

Shaik Emam, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether all tenders awarded by municipalities are reported to the National Treasury; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, 2. whether he will furnish Mr A M Shaik Emam with a list of the (a) tenders awarded in the Zululand District Municipality, (b) names of the companies, (c) monetary value of the tenders, (d) itemised billing and (e) legal costs in the past financial year; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


1. No, municipalities do not currently report all their tenders to the National Treasury.

National Treasury issued MFMA Circular 83 (2016) regarding the advertisement of bids and the publication of notices in respect of awarded bids, cancelled bids, variations, and extensions of existing contracts on the eTender Publication Portal. This circular makes provision for the publication of tender opportunities and awards on the National Treasury Tender portal. Since this is a Circular, it is not mandatory for municipalities to publish procurement opportunities on the Treasury tender portal, unless the Municipality Council adopts the circular as policy. Some municipalities publish their tender opportunities while others are not publishing on the eTenders portal. National Treasury is considering reforms to make such publication of tender awards mandatory, but this will likely require legislative amendments.

2. We do not have any tender information regarding Zululand District Municipality or any procurement-related data for this municipality.

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