Question NW113 to the Minister of Social Development

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02 March 2016 - NW113

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

What are the relevant details of the Ministerial Programmes that were allocated an additional R5 million under her department’s adjusted budget?


The Minister of Social Development was involved in various Departmental and outreach programmes during the 2015/16 financial year. The additional funding allocated as part of the 2015 Adjusted Estimates process, was mainly for the following activities:

May 2015

  • Post National Council of Provinces (NCOP) budget vote event, in Parliament, CPT
  • Opening of an ECD, KwaLanga CPT
  • DSD NCOP Budget vote
  • Post NCOP Budget vote, Parliament, CPT
  • MINMEC meeting
  • Child Protection Week Activities

June 2015

  • Opening address on the Day of the Africa Child
  • International Day on Families
  • DSD youth day celebration

July 2015

  • International Day Against Substance Abuse, Eersterust ,PTA
  • World Population Day

August 2015

  • Launch of Cooperatives, Popo Molefe Informal Settlement, Rustenburg
  • Launch of Food Security programme, Free State

September 2015

  • National Summit on Social Development White paper, Boksburg
  • 70th session of the UN general debate, at General assembly, NY (New York)

October 2015

  • Active Ageing Programme
    • International day to Old Persons
    • Grandparents day
    • Ministerial Luncheon with Gauteng struggle veterans
    • 3rd National Parliament for Older Persons
    • 1st National Choir Festival
    • AGM of South African Older Persons Forum/ Conference of Older Persons

November 2015

  • HIV/Aids Awareness Campaign
  • Disability Month activities
  • Launch of Community Nutrition and Development Centers (CNDC’s)
  • Meetings of Minster and MEC (MINMEC)
  • Various provincial Mikondzo Imbizos (DSD Services)
  • 7th African Population Conference

December 2015

  • Anti – Substance Abuse Festival Campaign, Durban

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