Question NW21 to the Minister of Public Enterprises

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22 March 2023 - NW21

Profile picture: Van Minnen, Ms BM

Van Minnen, Ms BM to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(a) What progress is being made with regard to engaging creditors in respect of the decision on a long-term solution for the Eskom group debt and (b) who are currently the biggest creditors?


a) Eskom lenders plays a critical role in ensuring that the entity access required funding in the capital markets. Therefore, it is important that all lenders are taken through the restructuring process and assured that their investment is safe. All lenders from whom consent is required, have been contacted. Lenders have indicated that more clarification regarding the debt take-over by National Treasury is required before consent could be considered. This is currently being processed.

b) PIC, World Bank, Chinese Development Bank.


Remarks: Approved / Not Approved

Jacky Molisane PJ Gordhan, MP

Acting Director-General Minister

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