Question NW15 to the Minister of Energy

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24 February 2016 - NW15

Profile picture: Esterhuizen, Mr JA

Esterhuizen, Mr JA to ask the Minister of Energy

Whether, with reference to South Africa’s 9600 megawatt nuclear reactor procurement programme, South Africa has the contractual latitude to consider and possibly substitute better reactor designs should they become available in the future; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Nuclear Energy Policy of 2008 declares South Africa’s intention to pursue amongst others a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) programme. Under the ambit of the Nuclear New Build Programme for a 9600 MW capacity, this remains the guiding principle for reactor designs under consideration. The Pressurised Water Reactor remains the longest operating reactor type worldwide. As such this reactor type has seen multiple advancements and improvements which can be noted in the design offerings of various vendor countries.

It is important to note that the procurement has not strated and therefore there are no contractual arrangements entered into with any nuclear supplier of the envisaged technology

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