Question NW474 to the Minister of Tourism

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13 March 2023 - NW474

Profile picture: Khakhau, Ms KL

Khakhau, Ms KL to ask the Minister of Tourism

What (a) is the salary of each (i) chief executive officer and (ii) top executive position in each state-owned entity reporting to her and (b) total amount does each get paid to attend a meeting?


(a) (i) Chief Executive officer

I have been informed that the position of Chief Executive Officer is currently vacant and thus there are no salary costs incurred. The only costs incurred is the payment of an acting allowance to the Chief Marketing Officer who is the acting CEO.

The entity’s salaries are governed by the Guaranteed Remuneration Policy and the employment offers are at Notch 1. Should a need arise to offer beyond the Notch 1, this process would require a Board resolution. Deviations are based on a number of reasons including the following: What the candidate is currently on, benefits and other factors which the candidate will discuss with the Board.

Salary scales:


Notch 1

Maximum Notch


R 2 421 023

R 2 951 678

(ii) Top executive positions

Other executives in the organisation are graded at F1. The salary scales for this grade are below:


Notch 1

Maximum Notch


R 1 984 075

R 2 562 045

(b) What total amount does each get paid to attend a meeting.

The executives are not paid to attend meetings as they form part of SA Tourism staff and not board members.

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