Question NW2488 to the Minister of Finance

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16 September 2022 - NW2488

Profile picture: Wessels, Mr W

Wessels, Mr W to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)(a) What (i) total number of employees of the National Treasury are currently working from home, (ii) number of such employees have special permission to work from home and (iii) are the reasons for granting such special permission and (b) on what date will such workers return to their respective offices; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?


(1)(a)(i) One. National Treasury is currently on a hybrid working arrangement for purposes of decongestion. Any employee needed physically in the office is instructed to do so. This is to accommodate the current refurbishment project which is underway in both the two buildings (40 Church Square and 240 Madiba Street building). 40 Church Square building, a government owned building which was previously the South African Reserve Bank building, built between 1934 and 1935 is undergoing infrastructure upgrade, following recent infrastructure failures that resulted in it not being fully conducive to 100 % occupancy.

(1)(a)(ii) One employee has special permission to work from home.

(1)(a)(iii) Due to ill-health.

(1)(b) All employees will return full-time in the office upon the completion of the refurbishment project. The one employee will continue working from home until such time that her health condition has improved.

(2) No

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