Question NW2534 to the Minister of Home Affairs

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22 September 2022 - NW2534

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Whether, with regard to early indications that up to 40% of all work, study and retirement permits might have been fraudulently obtained and/or issued by his department, his department will consider freezing all permits in order to review them; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The report from the Ministerial Review Committee was received by the Department, which outlined areas for further investigation. The report’s main recommendation is that a Multi-Disciplinary Task Team be appointed to conduct an in-depth investigation into the identified areas. The appointment of the Multi-Disciplinary Task Team is at an advance stage. The Task Team is to consist of experienced senior counsels, forensic investigators, Data analyst and other related skills. The team will conduct a deep-dive investigations.

The Multi-Disciplinary Task Team will provide advice on all permits issued fraudulently.



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