Question NW2486 to the Minister of Public Enterprises

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16 September 2022 - NW2486

Profile picture: Wessels, Mr W

Wessels, Mr W to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

(1) (a) What (i) total number of employees of his department are currently working from home, (ii) number of such employees have special permission to work from home and (iii) are the reasons for granting such special permission and (b) on what date will such workers return to their respective offices. (2)whether he will make a statement on the matter?


(1)(a)(i) None

(ii) None

(iii) Not applicable

(b) Not applicable

(2) Yes. The employees have had the option of vaccination, and in addition, the COVID infection rate has dropped. However, the virus is still “present”. So, with appropriate precautions, the public service has to be back at work and make every effort to increase the productivity within the department.

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