Question NW2065 to the Minister of Finance

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17 June 2022 - NW2065

Profile picture: Siwisa, Ms AM

Siwisa, Ms AM to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether, noting the recent judgment of the Special Tribunal, which found that the O R Tambo District Municipality failed to comply with the emergency procurement processes to extend a contract and the process was seen as unlawful, any steps will be taken against the municipal officials who were found to have been involved in the specified processes; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what steps will be taken and (b) by what date?


The Tribunal outcomes were issued to the Accounting Officer of OR Tambo District Municipality. No steps will be taken against the municipal officials by the National Treasury as the National Treasury does not have jurisdiction in the disciplining of any organ of state employees or officials. OR Tambo District Municipality will be required to take action against any transgressions of its employees.

The National Treasury are able to monitor to ensure that necessary actions are taken against the implicated officials.

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