Question NW1298 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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04 May 2022 - NW1298

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)What were the total monthly costs for facilities management for (a) the parliamentary precinct, (b) Acacia Park, (c) Laboria Park and (d) Pelican Park for the (i)(aa) 2019-20 and (bb) 2020-21 financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2021; (2) whether facilities management companies have been appointed for the abovementioned precinct and residential villages; if not, what are the projected dates for finalising the appointment of the companies; if so, what (a) are the names of the approved facilities management companies, (b) is the duration of each contract and (c) is the envisaged monthly cost for each contract?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

1. I have been informed by the Department that the monthly costs for the period in question are as follows:

Financial Year


Acacia Park

Pelican Park

Laboria Park


71 900 699,77

41 078 469,60

19 683 433,35

24 818 242,05


45 303 375,98

25 550 801,65

11 995 117,64

15 139 303,41


19 697 474,82

8 281 908, 44

1 978 276,89

2 097 824,56


R136 901 550,57

R74 911 179,69

R33 656 827,88

R42 055 370,02

(2) The Facilities Management Company has not yet been appointed for the Parliament Precinct.

For all Official Residential Accommodation:

(a) Tefla Group (PTY) Ltd was appointed as the Facilities Management Company in March 2022,

(b) They are appointed for a period of 5years

(c) The monthly cost is approximately R8,5 million.

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