Question NW1069 to the Minister of Human Settlements

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19 April 2022 - NW1069

Profile picture: Herron, Mr BN

Herron, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

(1)Given that 29 informal settlements were identified throughout the Republic for her department’s Transitional Residential Housing Units and De-densification directive, (a) which of the 29 informal settlements were not de-densified and provided with transitional residential housing units as per the directive and (b) what is the reason that the directive was not implemented in each specified settlement. (2) whether the informal settlements are still, as initially identified, a priority for de-densification; if not, what communication and/or engagement with the residents have taken place to inform them of the reasons for the failure to implement the Transitional Residential Housing Units and De-densification directive; if so, by what date will the specified directive be implemented in each informal settlement where it has not been implemented. (3) whether any additional settlements have been identified since the first 29 informal settlements were identified; if not, why not; if so, (a) which informal settlements and (b) what progress has been made with each specified settlement?


1. According information provided by provinces:

1(a) and (b)


a) Settlements not de-densified and provided with TRUs

b) Reasons that the de-densification was not implemented


(7 projects)

3 projects were not de-densified.

1 project was in the process of constructing 1500 TRUs

2 projects constructed the TRUs where 454 and 62 TRUs were completed

1 project of families being relocated to finished units was completed

IPs expired and projects were handed back to the City of Johannesburg

SMME’s demanded the appointed contractors to sub-contract 100% of the work which rendered the project financially non-viable for the appointed contractors.


(5 projects)

1 project was suspended by COGHSTA

1 project completed 40 TRUs

3 projects were completed for augmentation of services

Project was suspended because of challenges around the other TRU project


(2 projects)

1 project was not completed

1 project was for augmentation of services

Could not secure suitable land

Eastern Cape

(3 projects)

1 project completed 465 TRUs

1 project completed 1088 serviced sites

1 project completed augmentation of basic services


Western Cape

(3 projects)

3 projects were not de-densified


Northern Cape

(3 projects)

3 projects were completed for augmentation of services



(2 projects)

1 project of relocation into permanent units was completed

1 project of augmentation of basic services was completed


Free State

(3 projects)

3 projects of augmentation of basic services were completed



(1 project)

1 project of augmentation of basic services was completed


(2) The engagement with the community is an ongoing process, the Municipalities, Provinces and the HDA are looking at alternative ways to ensure the de-densification of the informal settlements under the UISP programme.

(3) No additional settlements have been identified under the COVID 19 interventions, but informal settlements are dealt with under the Informal Settlement Upgrading Programme.

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