Question NW444 to the Minister of Water and Sanitation

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06 April 2022 - NW444

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Ms SA

Buthelezi, Ms SA to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

What are the (a) current unfinished water and sanitation infrastructure projects in each province, (b) reasons for the delays in the completion of the specified projects, (c) proposed and/or implemented interventions and (d) projected completion dates of the projects?


Projects that are incomplete are indicated in Annexure A below as follows;(a) grant funded projects, (b) augmentation projects and, (c) the bucket eradication projects.








Grant funded projects

Eastern Cape

Xhora BWS phase 1 of 2 (Weir, WTW, dam Bulk pipeline)

Shortage of material available coupled with delays in resolving SMME appointments and delays in approval of concrete mix design caused delays in project completion.

  • To speed up the process of procuring material, an SMME desk has been established and appointment process to go ahead with finalisation of concrete mix design.

December 2022


Sundays river (Paterson) BWS phase 6 of 6

The purchase order of the Professional Service Person’s (PSP) was depleted, and the PSP suspended.

The Contractor cannot work without the supervision of the PSP and has been off site since 14 September 2020

  • Amatola Water is currently in the process of rectifying the issue of the PSP’s purchase order. Once this process is done, a formal process will be followed to get the contractor back to site and continue with the work.

June 2023

Free State

Rouxville/ Smithfield / Zastron BWS (Mohokare BWS)

Hydro – Tech new Mechanical Contractor has not commenced with their scope of work due to the required process of assessing the existing equipment and components prior to commencing with the works

  • MLM has finalized the assessment of the equipment scope of work for the new contractor.

April 2022


Driekoppies Phase 1C of 5

Graves were found on site which resulted in the relocation of the reservoir. This required re-design exercise

Some materials were imported and were affected by the COVID 19 lockdown restrictions

  • A revised program was submitted and an extension of time due to additional scope

July 2022


Sibange Phase 2 of 5

Delays due to community unrest and heavy rains

  • Contractors are back on site and acceleration plan will be implemented to catch up and complete the project

September 2022


Sibange Phase 4 of 5

Delays due to community unrest and heavy rains

  • Contractors are back on site and acceleration plan will be implemented to catch up and complete project.
  • New method of sealing the reservoirs after the rainfall is being implemented

May 2022


Sibange Phase 5 of 5

Delays due to community unrest and heavy rains

  • Contractors are back on site and acceleration plan will be implemented to catch up and complete project

April 2022


Balfour/Siyathemba RBWS Phase 2 of 6

Delays due to rainfall, non-payment to suppliers and community unrests

  • Community issues have been addressed and budget made available to pay service providers. The Contractor will provide acceleration plan to catch up for the time lapsed.

May 2022


Balfour/ Siyathemba Phase 3 of 6

  • Community unrest due to employment demands
  • Land servitude unavailability issues
  • Hard Material encountered during excavations
  • The Municipality has intervened, and community issues were resolved successfully
  • The Compensation for the Land has been finalised

May 2022

Augmentation projects


Raising of Hazelmere Dam

  • Unforeseen technical challenges during dam construction
  • Delays in procurement of critical instrumentation for the dam
  • The site was handed back to contractor in October 2021 and the site establishment was completed in December 2021.
  • Critical instrumentation procurement and installation included in scope of contractor

October 2022 (completion of construction)


Cwabeni OCS Dam KZN

  • Lack of funding
  • The Minister issued a Directive to Umgeni Water to fund and implement the project.
  • Umgeni Water has submitted a draft Implementation Agreement for consideration by DWS.



Stephen Dlamini Dam

  • Lack of funding
  • The Minister issued a Directive to Umgeni Water to fund and implement the Stephen Dlamini Dam project.
  • Umgeni Water has submitted a draft Implementation Agreement for consideration by DWS.



Umkhomazi Water Project (UWP) - Phase 1

  • Delay in finalising Water Supply Agreements
  • The Heads of Agreement for the Water User Agreement have been drafted and negotiations are ongoing.
  • Funding of R60 million has been transferred to TCTA for project preparation activities.\
  • The Project Steering Committee is in place


Western Cape

Raising of Clanwilliam Dam

  • Delays in procurement outsourced services and goods
  • Previous funding constraints
  • Process for resumption of construction activities has been initiated
  • Establishment of an Infrastructure Procurement Office to unlock procurement challenges

Apr 2026

(to be revised on resumption of construction activities)

Eastern Cape

Mzimvubu Water Project

  • Long-term funding for the project not assured
  • Delays in procurement outsourced services and goods
  • Challenges with obtaining the project documentation from the professional service provider
  • The processing of tenders for the procurement of construction materials is underway
  • Alternative options are being considered for the completion of construction of the access roads


North West

Mokolo Crocodile Water Augmentation Project- Phase 2 (MCWAP-2A)

  • Impact of delay in the Environmental Authorisations appeal decision on project activities
  • Delay in procurement of project and support services
  • Delay in finalisation of tender design due to delay in appointment of Panel of Experts
  • The Implementation Agreement has been signed and the Water Supply Agreements are being finalised.

April 2028

Limpopo Province

Great Letaba Water Augmentation Project (GLEWAP): Nwamitwa Dam

  • Insufficient funding for project implementation
  • Outstanding sign-off on design work undertaken under LNW as the Implementing Agent such as the dam boundary line.
  • Project activities to be planned as per the availability of funding and in stages
  • Engagement with previous IA to unlock impasse with regards to outstanding dam boundary line



Olifants River Water Resources Development Project- Phase 2D


  • Due to funding limitations, a strategic decision was taken by DWS to re-sequence the project and project implementation will need to be reviewed. A Memorandum of Intent (MOI) was signed between DWS and Commercial Users Consortium.
  • Project to be deferred as per new implementation approach

Project deferred



Olifants River Water Resources Development Project- Phase 2E & 2F


  • Due to funding limitations, a strategic decision was taken by DWS to re-sequence the project and project implementation will need to be reviewed. A Memorandum of Intent (MOI) was signed between DWS and Commercial Users Consortium.
  • Project to be deferred as per new implementation approach (ORWRDP 2E)
  • ORWRDP 2F to form part of the re-sequencing implementation model

2E deferred




Raising of Tzaneen Dam

  • Delay in conclusion of design work with previous Implementing Agent and application for licence to construct which is required for construction to commence
  • The appointment of a new IA was approved on 17 Feb 2022.
  • The establishment of a Project Management Office as well as the commencement of construction will start as soon as the process to appoint the Implementing Agent is finalised.

June 2023

(to be revised on resumption of construction activities)

Eastern Cape

Coerney Dam

  • Delays in procurement of professional service provider
  • The Coerney Dam project was declared by the Minister as an Emergency Works on 10 July 2020 to enable the detailed design to be undertaken in parallel with the environmental impact assessment process.
  • DWS Internal Engineering Unit was appointed on 08 October 2020 to undertake the detailed design on the project and is in the process of procuring an external professional service provider to undertake the engineering design work.

Dec 2025


Zalu Dam (Lusikisiki)

  • Delays in procurement of specialist services
  • Lack of sufficient funding for the implementation of the project
  • The design work is approximately 40% complete.
  • Process for procurement of specialist services is currently underway
  • Funding to advance the design work has been provided in the 2021 MTEF.



Foxwood Dam

  • Lack of funding
  • The process of appointing Chief Directorate: Engineering Services for the provision of engineering services for the project has been initiated
  • Funding to advance the design work has been provided in the 2022 MTEF.


Western Cape

Berg River Voëlvlei Augmentation Scheme (BRVAS)

  • Delay in securing funding
  • Delay in finalising Water Supply Agreements
  • TCTA is continuing with stakeholder consultations to conclude the institutional arrangements.
  • Funding of R75 million has been transferred to TCTA for project preparation activities.


Bucket Eradication Project

Free State


  • Contractor appointed in March 2021, however, took site in June 2021 after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • Contractor appointed in March 2021, however, took site in June 2021 after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • DWS Construction appointed – delays in acquisition of material through local tenders (however service providers are non-responsive, and this has delayed construction activities)
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • Contractor appointed took site in July 2021, after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023


Petrus Steyn

  • Contractor appointed took site in July 2022, after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • Contractor appointed took site in September 2022 (re-advertisement of tender), after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023



  • Contractor appointed took site in September 2022 (re-advertisement of tender), after review of the Engineering Designs
  • Revised Construction Programme submitted and will be monitored accordingly.

March 2023

Northern Cape


  • Contractor appointed in December 2022 however, appointment found to be irregular and will be terminated. A new contractor to b sourced and appointed within 2 months.
  • A new contractor will be sourced and appointed within the next 3 months.

March 2023

Source file