Question NW633 to the Minister of Social Development

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02 April 2022 - NW633

Profile picture: Opperman, Ms G

Opperman, Ms G to ask the Minister of Social Development

The Criminal Asset Recovery Account which is a programme to curb the spread of gender-based violence (GBV) and femicide had a contract value of R95 million and was assigned to 312 civil society organisations, what impact has she found has the specified programme had on GBV to date?


This CARA fundeding prioritised funding of CSOs in under resourced areas including township and rural areas. More victims of Gender Based Violence in these under resources areas are able to access services from these CARA funded CSOs. This CARA funded project has overall contributed towards increased accessibility of victim empowerment services to victims of gender based violence.

77 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) funded through this fund are classified as emerging due to inadequate project management, governance and financial management capacity within these CSOs. The process of implementing the mentoring and coaching programme is underway. R5 million of CARA funding was budgeted for implementation of mentoring and coaching for emerging CSOs. This mentoring and Coaching is underway.

It should however be noted that the process of conducting evaluation study on the CARA funded projects has been initiated and the final evaluation report will provide more reliable findings regarding the impact of this CARA funded project.

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