Question NW627 to the Minister of Health

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01 April 2022 - NW627

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

With regard to the oversight visit to the Mamelodi Hospital and the fact that the management and executive of the hospital highlighted the shortage of human resources in the maternity and neonatal wards and the litigation cases emanating from the maternity ward of the specified hospital over the past years, what kind of support is his department giving to the hospital in (a) response to the human resources situation and (b) an attempt to resolve the litigation crisis?


The National Department of Health is still trying to get the necessary information from the Gauteng Provincial Department of Health. The response by the Minister will be furnished to the Honourable Member as soon as the report has been received from the Gauteng Health MEC on this matter.


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