Question NW809 to the Minister of Water and Sanitation

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31 March 2022 - NW809

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1) In light of the Nooitgedacht Low Level Water Scheme delivering water to Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, (a) by what date will his department complete it, (b) how much water will be delivered to the specified municipality, (c) by what date will maximum delivery take place and (d) what amount will be the completion cost to his department. (2) whether his department has any plans for further phases on Nooitgedacht Low Level Water Scheme; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date and (b) what are the relevant details?


The Nooitgedagt Coega Low Level Scheme (CLLS) project, which will deliver water to Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (NMBM) is nearing completion. The expected date of completion is end July 2022.

Upon completion of the project, an additional amount of 70MI/day will be delivered to NMBM which will take the total amount to 210 MI/day. It is anticipated that the delivery of water will commence around end of March. The total cost to completion is estimated at R 534 million.

The plant has been designed to deliver an additional 70Ml/day if required. However, the current allocation is 210Ml/day which is the maximum water that can be supplied by the plant.

The department is currently implementing the Algoa Reconciliation strategy where all possible augmentation schemes are investigated to determine which will be the next most viable scheme to augment the water supply to NMBM. The further extension of the Nooitgedagt water scheme forms part of the study. This will however mean that the allocation from the Orange Fish system will have to come out of water savings from the Agricultural Sector.

The other schemes that are being investigated is the Sea Water Reverse Osmosis, Wastewater Reclamation, Groundwater and more efforts towards Water Conservation and Demand Management. The department is of the opinion that they should concentrate on bringing the water losses down to an acceptable rate before other options are explored.

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