Question NW169 to the Minister in the Presidency

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16 March 2022 - NW169

Profile picture: McGluwa, Mr JJ

McGluwa, Mr JJ to ask the Minister in the Presidency

What steps has his Office taken to assist Statistics SA to overcome some of the field work logistical obstacles such as the recruitment of persons, acquisition of vehicles and shortage of tablets, which it has been experiencing to ensure that the Census takes place?


The Statistics Act, that is Act No. 6 of 1999, directs the Minister to publish the date of the census by notice of a gazette. In line with previous practice, the Office of the Minister and Deputy Minister has been working closely with Stats SA to publicise the census since the 100 day countdown and the launch of the census. They have each led numerous census publicity activities in various areas with media in tow to ensure maximum participation from the public in the sourcing of fieldworkers at large.

The Statistics Act is very clear on the responsibilities of the Minister in that the Minister may not interfere with the powers of the Statistician-General in executing the Act. The Office of the Minister is thus not involved in the operational aspects of recruitment of fieldworkers for the census as well as the sourcing and acquisition of vehicles. Stats SA has no shortages of tablets and have made adequate provisions for all fieldworkers.

Thank You

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