Question NW133 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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04 March 2022 - NW133

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether she and/or her department commissioned any reports on the Parliamentary precinct with regard to (a) facilities management, (b) fire safety, (c) building fabric and/or (d) any other issues pertaining to the function of her department in respect of Parliament; if not, why not; if so, what plans have been put in place to address the findings that were made in the specified reports; (2) whether she will furnish Ms S J Graham with a copy of each report; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

1. (a) The Department commissioned BDO South Africa to conduct an investigation on all 12 contracts relating to the Parliamentary precinct, including the two Facilities Management contracts (i) for State-owned residences and (ii) Offices. BDO South Africa has made 20 findings and the Department has developed an audit action plan as to remedy the shortcomings.

(b)(i) The Department has also commissioned independent consultants, Multi-QS, to do a condition assessment on, among others, fire safety, building fabric, mechanical and electrical.

(b)(ii) The Department also commissioned an internal professional team to do an investigation to ascertain the extent of the fire damage of the precinct. This investigation led to the Department appointing independent consultants, COEGA, to investigate the structural integrity of the Parliamentary precinct. This investigation is still underway.

(c and d) See above.

2. I am yet to be briefed on the Multi Qs and COEGA reports. Once briefed, I will be in a position to share the reports. The Member is already in possession of the BDO report.

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