Question NW369 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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25 February 2022 - NW369

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)What progress has been made in the procurement process for the appointment of the task team of engineers and other professionals to assess the extent of the damage at the parliamentary precinct following the fire on 2 January 2022; (2) whether a suitably qualified fire safety expert forms part of the task team; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether her department will be employing the services of a fire safety expert during the renovation process to ensure strict compliance with fire safety requirements going forward; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) whether her department is currently engaged in the process of ensuring adherence to the various fire safety legislation requirements in the rest of the parliamentary precinct; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1) The Department appointed an Implementing Agent (COEGA), whose team consists mainly of Structural Engineers, to determine the structural integrity of the buildings damaged by the fire and safety. This team will commence with investigations, for the first phase.

The second phase, which will commence once the investigation has been concluded, entails conducting a full assessment on the extent of the damage and scoping for the restoration project. A full team of consultants will be executing this assessment through the same Implementing Agents.

(2) No. The structural integrity of the buildings first has to be determined before further investigations can proceed and safety is part of that.

(3) Yes. The Department will be employing the services of a fire expert.

(4) Yes, a policy document will be developed to attend to all buildings on the Parliamentary Precinct with specific reference to fire protection. The current legislation will be looked at to ensure compliance with the latest SANS requirements. The policy will focus on protecting the building as well as the occupants within the building.

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