Question NW3933 to the Minister of Transport

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18 November 2015 - NW3933

Profile picture: Hunsinger, Dr CH

Hunsinger, Dr CH to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What (i) Memoranda of Understanding and/or (ii) any similar documents have been signed by (aa) her department and (bb) any of the entities that report to her with (cc) driving schools and/or (dd) organisations and/or associations, (b) what (i) is the nature and (ii) are the terms of reference in each specified case, (c) when were the specified agreements signed and (d) what (i) measurable, (ii) timelines and (iii) milestones are there in respect of each agreement?


(A)(i) - No MOU is signed between the Corporation and Driving Schools

(ii) - The Corporation facilitated the signing of a letter of acknowledgement by Min Ndebele.

(b) (i) The Minister Congratulate the Driving School Industry on the Establishment of the National Driving School Forum

(ii) The Minister lledged support to them to enhance the standard of learner driver training in SA. The Minister also stated that the National Driving School Forum will be consulted when the Driving School Legislative Framework will be finalized. The Minister stated that a Driving School Summit will as requested by the Forum. This Summit was held as requested ( facilitated by the Corporation during March 2011)

(c) the letter was signed on 07/04/2011

(d) A summit was held was held as requested by the Driving School forum

(cc) N/A

(dd) The letter referred to above was submitted to the National Driving School Forum, which consists of the following 4 national driving school associations: 

South African Driving School Association (SADSA)

South African Driving Operators Association (SADSOA)

Southern African Institute of Driving Instructors (SAIDI)

South African National Driving School Association (SANADS)

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