Question NW3947 to the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

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19 November 2015 - NW3947

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

(a) What steps have been taken to (i) identify and (ii) appoint suitably qualified persons to fill the five vacant Deputy Directors-General posts in his department and (b) when will permanent appointments be made to fill the specified vacancies?


(a)(i-ii) Acting appointments have been approved for (5) five Chief Directors from the respective Branches against the 5 vacant Deputy Director-General (DDG) positions.

(b) The posts of DDG: ISAD (ICT Information Society Development and Research); DDG: ICT Enterprise Development and State-Owned Entity Oversight; and DDG: Administration, have been shortlisted and the Department is in the process of finalising the dates for the interviews.

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