Question NW871 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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10 May 2021 - NW871

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

With regard to the 1 Military Hospital in Gauteng, (a) on what date did the project to refurbish the first floor pharmacy and five operating theatres begin and (b) what (i) was the original budget for the project, (ii) was the original anticipated completion date for the project, (iii) are the reasons for the delay, (iv) is the new anticipated budget for completion, (v) is the new anticipated date for completion and (vi) mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that the Department of Defence is meeting its obligations in terms of client department roles such as timeous payments?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

a) I have been informed by the Department that the Pharmacy works were expected to start on 03 June 2010 but Department of Defence (DoD) only provided access to this area on the 15 June 2010.

b) i) The Project consisted of two main contracts with different budgets as follows:

  1. Building and Civil Works - R 95 104 000.00
  2. Electrical and Mechanical Works - R 108 889 292.22

ii) The project started off as a RAMP project, with an original date of completion being October 2009.

This original 36 months RAMP contract was during the course of the works and through scope changes initiated by DoD, converted to an upgrading project and the date of completion was revised to 30 November 2010.

The initial original scope and some of the additions which could be permitted under the contract were completed by the DPWI in 2011 and final account was taken in 2012.

iii) The project was riddled with many delays. Chief among these were the numerous Scope changes by the User Department and the late provision of access to the different areas of the buildings for works to be executed.

iv) The new anticipated budget for completion

Due to the high amount of scope changes requested by the DoD, which could not be accommodated within the ambit of a Variation Order or any other provision under the contract, it was decided that another project be registered and that new consultants be appointed to deal with the new additions/requirements.

During the planning phase for the new project, on request of DoD, the project was transferred from DPWI to DoD on 23 October 2014. The new budget for completion can be confirmed by DoD

v) The new anticipated date of completion is

The DoD will be able to confirm the new anticipated date of completion.

vi) Mechanisms put in place to ensure that DoD meets its obligations

The DoD has no obligations towards the Department with respect to this project as it has been transferred.