Question NW845 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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10 May 2021 - NW845

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)Whether, with reference to the water provision to Hoedspruit from Blyde River that is facilitated by a pipeline carrying raw water from the river to the Hoedspruit Air Force Base, where the water is purified before being distributed to the Air Force Base and surrounding areas, (a) a certain engineering firm (name furnished) was contracted to maintain the 155km Lower Blyde Water Distribution Network; if not, who is contracted by her department in this regard; if so, (2) whether all payments to the specified company up are to date; if not, (a) what amounts are the arrears, (b) what are the reasons that the payments are in arrears, (c) what measures will be taken to ensure that the arrears are settled and (d) by what date is it envisaged that the arrears will be settled?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

  1. I have been advised by the Department that no, the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure has not contracted an engineering company to maintain the Lower Blyde Water Distribution Network.

The Department is however in the process of registering a project to maintain and repair water and sewer works for the preventative maintenance of pumps at Essex and the water purification plants at Hoedspruit Air Force Base which requires regular maintenance, such as pump maintenance, chlorine dosing system maintenance etc. The Department has also contracted the Blyde River Water Utility Company (Pty) Ltd for the conveyance of water from the Blyde River to the Hoedspruit Airforce Base.

  1. (a,b,c,d) The Department is not aware whether payments are up to date as the function of payments of municipal services, inclusive of water, has been devolved to the Department of Defence effective July 2020. In this regard, the last payment made by the DPWI to the Blyde River Water Utility Company was in July 2020.