Question NW331 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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08 March 2021 - NW331

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(1)With reference to the Tafelkop Farmers, Hereford Irrigation Scheme in Groblersdal, what (a) progress has been made with regard to the finalisation of the title deeds for the farmers that were due to be handed over on 31 March 2020 and (b) total number of title deeds have been (i) registered by the conveyancers and (ii) handed over to individuals; (2) whether any delays were experienced; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what were the reasons for the specified delays; (3) what are the projected time frames for the resolution of any problems; (4) what is the proposed date by which all title deeds will be handed to the farmers


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

1. (a) On 1 February 2021, 25 of 33 Title Deeds were registered in the names of 25 beneficiaries as received from the State Attorney.

(b) (i) 25 Title Deeds have been registered.

(ii) No Title Deeds have been handed over to individuals.

T2. here are delays with the Title Deeds for 6 beneficiaries whose Deed of Donations had to be signed again as 5 of the beneficiaries’ spouses, who jointly signed with them, have passed away and 1 had a matrimonial challenge. A further 2 beneficiaries do not comply, where 1 is not utilising the farm and has not completed the required documentation, and the other has a conflict in family as the original beneficiaries have passed on.

3. The deeds of donations for the 6 outstanding compliant title deeds have been handed over to the State Attorney to initiate the process of registering the land parcels into beneficiaries’ names. It is anticipated that the processes will be finalised within the next six months depending on all requirements for registration being addressed.

4. Progress on the finalisation of the title deeds for the Tafelkop farmers will be presented in the next Inter-Ministerial Committee on Land Reform where a recommendation will be made for a joint handover ceremony led by the Deputy President with Ministers of Public Works & Infrastructure and Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development for the issuing of the 25 Title Deeds that have been registered.

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