Question NW1944 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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26 November 2020 - NW1944

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Whether Thaba Tshwane has a User Management Plan (UMP) in place; if not, (a) on what date was maintenance last done on the infrastructure at Thaba Tshwane, (b) what maintenance is planned for the current financial year, (c) what budget has been allocated for maintenance and (d) by what date will a UMP be signed between her department and the client department; if so, (i) what services fall under the auspices of her department, (ii) has her department complied with its obligations in terms of the UMP, (iii) what is the budget allocation for implementation of the UMP and (iv) is the budget sufficient to comply with the terms of the UMP?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

No. I was informed by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) that there is no specificUser Asset Management Plan (UAMP) in place for Thaba Tshwane. The overall UAMP document submitted by the DOD includes projects for Thaba Tshwane. See paragraph 1 (d)

a) Maintenance in the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) are divided into two broad categories, preventative and corrective maintenance

  • Preventative maintenance can be divided into two categories, interval based and condition based.
  • Interval based preventative maintenance is carried out in accordance with an established time schedule or an established number of units of use.
  • The condition based preventative maintenance is initiated by monitoring the condition of the asset, this involves inspection of assets, testing and parameter monitoring to determine if any maintenance is needed and then carrying out any requirements identified. The performance and parameter monitoring may be scheduled on request or continuously.
  • Corrective maintenance is carried out after fault recognition and is intended to put an item back into a state in which it can perform a required function. This type of maintenance can be an emergency repair, unscheduled or planned repair based on inspection or customer complaints.

The maintenance approach in Thaba Tshwane facility is a blend of both Preventative and Corrective. There is part of work that is done on a Corrective basis, on what DPWI refer to as Day-to-Day maintenance. The other Correctivemaintenanceis what the department termedas Planned Maintenance, which entail planned repair, refurbishment and renovation.

  • The date maintenance was last done on the infrastructure at Thaba Tshwane is grouped as follows:
  • Preventative maintenance is an ongoing activities through a Total FacilitiesManagement (TFM). The TFM aspectscover wide range of services from technical maintenance to soft services in the up keeping of the 1 Military Hospital facility. The commencement of the TFM is of the 1st September 2020.
  • Correctivemaintenancehas two categories at the department and are:
  • Unscheduled/Emergency, they arereferred to as Day-to-Day within the department. The maintenanceactivities of these are ongoing and are on “as and when” basis.
  • Planned maintenance entails planned repair, refurbishment and renovation.

b) Planned maintenance for the current financial year are as follows:

  • Preventative maintenance that is covered in the TFM implementation. The TFM aspects cover wide range of services from technical maintenance to soft services in the up keeping of the 1 Military Hospital facility. The programme runs for 36 months;
  • There is Unscheduled / Emergency maintenance, they referred to as Day to Day within the department is on the “as and when” basis;
  • Planned maintenance which entail planned repair, refurbishment and renovation for the current financial year could not be allocated funding owing to limited budget.

c) The following is the breakdown of the budget allocation for maintenance:

Preventative maintenance that is covered in the TFM implementation, which runs for 36 months with annual budget of R 62 898589,10.

  • Unscheduled/Emergency maintenance, referred to as Day-to-Day within the department doesn’t have a specific budget for Thaba Tshwane, rather there is an overall budget for the entire region in attending to the Unscheduled/Emergency maintenance and is on the “as and when” basis;
  • Planned maintenance, which entails planned repair, refurbishment and renovation budget for the current financial year. There is no planned maintenance budget that was allocated for this financial year owing to limited available budget.

d) With regard to the date in which the UMP will be signed between the DPWI (custodian) and the client department, the Government Immovable Asset Management Act, 19, 2007, states the following:

  • Clause 14 (1) The accounting officer of a user or custodian in its capacity as a user must, for all the immovable assets that it uses or intents to use;
  • compiles in accordance with Section 8, a user immovable asset management plan that will form part of the strategic plan of that user;
  • submits a copy of the user immovable asset management plan to the relevant custodian in accordance with Section 9.

In view thereof, no UMP is signed between the custodian and client departments. As per GIAMA, the user submits a copy of the UMP to the custodian. In this case the Department of Defence (client) has submitted their UMP to DPWI (custodian) on 05 August 2020.

(i) Regarding theservices that fall under the auspices of the DPWI; in respect of the UMP, the DPWI is responsible for the planning and execution of Capital Works projects (construction and upgrading of infrastructure) and the procurement of accommodation (acquisition or lease).

(ii) With regard to compliance with its obligations in terms of the UMP, the DPWI is currently managing the following maintenance projects as articulated in question a, b, and c above; and

The following dolomite projects are also being implemented:

  • Thaba Tshwane Emergency Dolomite Call-Out Services: WCS 052046: Allocation for Financial Year 2020/2021 is R12 292 651;
  • Dolomite Risk Management Services: Thaba Tshwane Personnel Services School: Upgrading of Civil Engineering Wet Services: WCS 048804: Allocation for Financial Year 2020/2021 is R1 000 000;
  • Dolomite Risk Management Services - SAAF Thaba Tshwane: Air force Gymnasium, Mafkamp, Base Hill & Mobile Deployment Wing - Upgrade Civil Engineering Wet Services: WCS 048803: Allocation for Financial Year 2020/2021 is R100 000;
  • Dolomite Risk Management Services - DOD Thaba Tshwane: Various Properties Fence line Repairs Including Additional Fencing to Shooting Range: WCS 047878: Allocation for Financial Year 2020/2021 is R150 000

(iii) With regard to budget allocation for implementation of the UMP, it should be noted that the prioritisation of projects for execution and its associated budget allocation is determined by the user. In view thereof, the Department of Defence (User) will be best positioned to respond to this question.

(iv) With regard to the budget sufficiency to comply with the terms of the UMP, it should be noted that the availability and confirmation of funding allocated for projects is a user prerogative and as such, the Department of Defence will be best positioned to answer this questiondirectly.

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