Question NW1958 to the Minister of Transport

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14 September 2020 - NW1958

Profile picture: Nolutshungu, Ms N

Nolutshungu, Ms N to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)How far is the process of renaming the Cape Town International Airport and (b) what are the names that are being considered for renaming the airport; (2) whether he has found that renaming the specified airport as the Winnie Madikizela-Mandela International Airport would be supported; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? NW2403E


1. The Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) embarked on a project to rename the following airports: Cape Town International Airport, East London Airport, Port Elizabeth International Airport and Kimberley Airport. This is in line with the South African Geographical Names Council Act of 1998 (Act No. 118 of 1998) and is part of the Transformation of Heritage Landscape Government Programme. According to the Act, the Minister of Arts and Culture is responsible for the approval of geographical names after receiving recommendations from the South African Geographical Names Council (SAGNC). The SAGNC is only responsible for geographical features of national concern including, but not limited to, towns/cities, suburbs and any form of human settlement, post offices, stations, highways, airports and government dams. SAGNC is also responsible for natural landforms like mountains, hills, rivers, streams, bays, headlands and islands.

ACSA appointed an independent public participation consultant to facilitate a transparent public participation process. A report outlining the methodology undertaken in ensuring a transparent public participation process, as well as the outcome of proposals has been submitted to the Department of Transportand is being considered by the Department. The Report entails amongst others, the issuance of an advert in the print media and radio broadcasts to solicit name proposals, the public hearing event, how comments were collected and the results of the public input. The Report also include the process of renaming East London Airport, Port Elizabeth International Airport and Kimberley Airport, which is facilitated by Provinces and Municipalities.

2. A Report on the renaming of airports is being considered by the Department of Transport; including the outcome of public submissions with respect to the renaming of Cape Town International Airport.

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