Question NW1361 to the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture

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16 July 2020 - NW1361

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture

(1) What total amount in funding has the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) received from (a) his department, (b) the National Lottery, (c) the SA Sporting Trust and (d) any other specified entity in each financial year since its inception; (2) what amount was spent on (a) salaries of SASCOC staff, (b) payments and/or allowances to board members and (c) transfers to (i) sporting codes and (ii) any other specified entity in each specified financial year; (3) what (a) amount was spent on each member of the SASCOC board and senior management on each (i) international trip and (i) local trip, (b) was the date and purpose of each specified trip, (c) was the name of the individual concerned and (d) was the cost and class of (i) flights, (ii) hotel accommodation, (iii) subsistence allowance and (iv) any other specified costs?


1) a) SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee has received a total of R201,361,000 from the Department since the 2006 / 07 Financial Year.

SASCOC has not been able to provide the information due to national lockdown.

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