Question NW959 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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09 June 2020 - NW959

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

(a) What extraordinary expenditure has her Department incurred as a result of Covid-19 since the start of the new financial year, (b) from which budget and/or line item was the money sourced, (c) who authorised the expenditure and (d) what is the impact of the expenditure on the programme from which the money was taken?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:

a) The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, including its Property Management Trading Entity (PMTE), collectively referred to as “the Department”, has incurred, and continues to incur, both ordinary and extraordinary expenditure in line with its mandate the provision of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), the cleaning of its facilities, decontamination of facilities (including Presidency and courts) and quarantine facilities as requested by Department of Health (DOH). To date, an amount of R 47 049 676 has been spent.

b) The money was sourced from various line items of the budget after taking into consideration the lower expenditure on items due to the lockdown. These included budget items on travel, recruitment, goods and services and infrastructure projects due to low or no expenditure due to lockdown. The funds were shifted in terms of the Disaster Management Act and its Regulations.

c) The expenditure was authorised in line with the Department’s finance delegations of authority at various branches at Head Office and the eleven (11) Regional Offices.

d) The impact is negligible, if any, as funds were shifted from programmes that had no activities due to inter alia the restrictions imposed by the national lockdown.

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