Question NW942 to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

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08 June 2020 - NW942

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(1)In view of recent reports on the increase in COVID-19 cases in the Republic’s correctional centres ahead of the scheduled release of approximately 19 000 prisoners, what are the plans regarding the (a) containment and quarantine after the release and (b) re-testing of those who are released; (2) how will the released detainees be monitored in light of the current challenges in respect of the monitoring of parolees?


(1)(a) Should the released detainees require quarantine after release, they will be managed by the Department of Health facilities in their respective districts within which they are staying.

(1)(b) Those who are released will not be re-tested in the Department unless they meet testing criteria as indicated in the Clinical Management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases:

  • a suspected COVID-19 case includes any person presenting with an acute (≤14 days) respiratory tract infection or
  • other clinical illness compatible with COVID-19, or
  • an asymptomatic person who is a close contact to a confirmed case or
  • presenting with COVID-19 key respiratory syndrome symptoms which consist of ANY of the following:
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • The loss of sense or smell or an altered sense of taste.
  • Other symptoms which may include fever, weakness, myalgia, or diarrhoea.

(2) Monitoring of parolees and probationers under lockdown regulation between level three (03) and five (05), will be conducted through telephonic monitoring system. The Department is in discussion with the JCPS Cluster to involve Community Policing Forum (CPFs) as part of monitoring mechanism.

All released parolees and probationers come with classification from the Parole Board. The Department will be guided by this classification of the released parolees and probationers.

If released parolees and probationers are categorised as low and medium risk during the current level four and three of the lock down, the Department will monitor them through telecommunication

If released parolees and probationers are classified by the Parole Board as maximum, the Department will physically monitor the released offenders throughout the lockdown period.

The current arrangement of monitoring only applies from level 3 to level 5 of the lockdown. When the lockdown goes to level 2 and level 1 the monitoring arrangements will change and all categories will be monitored physically.


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