Question NW3152 to the Deputy President

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12 October 2015 - NW3152

Profile picture: Maimane, Mr MA

Maimane, Mr MA to ask the Deputy President

With reference to his responsibilities as the patron of the Moral Regeneration Movement, what tangible interventions is his office implementing in terms of (a) eradicating corruption and (b) ending corrupt practices within (i) the Executive, (ii) his office and (iii) the greater public service?


It should be noted the Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM) is a Section 21 company that operates independently from the Office of the Deputy President and government.

As patron of the MRM, the Deputy President supports the work of the MRM in government and in society more broadly.

Recently the Moral Regeneration Movement developed the Ethical and Values-driven Leadership initiative. It is envisaged that this will eventually form part of government’s induction programme for officials and those in leadership positions. The programme is also targeted at business, religious and traditional leaders and at civil society organisations.

The MRM is engaging with Corruption Watch and Ethics SA to develop a programme that will assist leaders to develop a Code of Ethics in their institutions, departments and community organisations.

The year from July 2015 to July 2016 has been designated by the MRM as the year of moral regeneration under the theme “My Ideal SA: Ethics and Values”. As part of the activities to rally communities around this theme, the MRM will be going out to engage communities in various provinces, district and local municipalities on the role community members can play in building ideal communities based on agreed ethics and values.

Already, two such dialogues have been conducted, in Sedibeng District Municipality on the 3 July 2015 and in KwaZulu-Natal on 31 July 2015.

The proposals from communities during these interactions will be consolidated into a report that will assist in the development of a framework for the Ethical and Values-driven Programme led by the MRM.

The Moral Regeneration Movement is currently engaging the South African Local Government Association and the Department of Cooperative Governance to explore the possible inclusion of the MRM in local government structures and in the Integrated Development Plan (IDPs) to promote the Ethical and Values-driven Leadership Programme.

The Honourable Member should note that these initiatives are building on the successful implementation of the Charter of Positive Values developed by MRM and adopted in schools.

We hope that these and many other initiatives by various social partners across the country will contribute to deepening corporate citizenship and in sustaining a national conversation on the importance of balancing citizens’ rights and responsibilities.

Working with our social partners we will continue to strive to build a united nation with the aim of creating a more just, corruption-free and inclusive society.

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