Question NW498 to the Minister of Transport

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18 November 2019 - NW498

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What are the details of the flight strategy that is mooted to boost tourism, (b) how was the conclusion regarding the flight strategy reached, (c) on what date was the flight strategy concluded, (d) what is the name of each stakeholder who was involved in drawing up the strategy and (e) what are the (i) mechanisms, (ii) milestones and (iii) timelines linked to the strategy?


This question will have relevancies in as far as the National Corridor- SAA is concerned. As SAA is currently an entity of the Department of Public Enterprise, this question will be better to answered by the Minister of Public Enterprise.

The policy approach of the Department of Transport remains one of the opening up of air space for flights to promote the movement of people and good whilst promoting trade, investment and tourism through the principles of reciprocity by engaging in bilateral Air Services Agreements.

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