Question NW967 to the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

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26 September 2019 - NW967

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

Whether she appointed a certain person (name furnished) to a position within her department; if so, (a) were proper processes followed in the appointment, (b) what total number of other applications were received for the position, (c) what is the specified person’s job title, (d) does the specified person have the requisite skills and competencies for the position and (e) what is the nature of the relationship between her and the specified person?


The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure

a) Yes, proper processes were followed in accordance with the Public Service Regulation of 2016.

b) No applications were received for the position as the appointment of the specified person was done without advertising as provided for in Regulation 66, sub-regulation (2) of the Public Service Regulations 2016. However, the specified person was subjected to an interview process to determine suitability to the position,

c) Assistant Appointment Secretary.

d) Yes, in that the specified person has 14 years of Secretary, Receptionist and Administrative experience and she was appointed with the relaxation of qualifications, in accordance with Regulation 39 of the Public Service Regulations 2016. Regulation 39 provides that an Executive Authority shall establish a job description and job title that indicate, with appropriate emphasis on service delivery, the main objectives, activities and functions of the post or posts in question and the inherent requirements of the job. The delegation to approve lies with the Director-General. Relaxation of inherent requirements (qualifications) is a standard practice in the public service.

e) Recruitment of personnel is based on merit and the experience that they bring into the job. It is not a requirement for HR recruitment to establish whether candidates are related to any of those already in employment.

The said person is related to the Minister. She has since resigned from her position stating ethical reasons.

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