Question NW2902 to the Minister of Health

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05 November 2018 - NW2902

Profile picture: Paulsen, Mr N M

Paulsen, Mr N M to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What number of staff are on duty in each shift at the Mount Ayliff Hospital in Mount Ayliff in the Eastern Cape, (b)(i) what number of ambulances service the district in which the hospital operates and (ii) of those ambulances, what number is functional and (c) what equipment shortages, like medical equipment and supplies, fuel, water and other related necessities for the hospital to function at its optimum capacity does the hospital experience by equipment type, use, time period that it has not been available for use and date when it will be replaced?


a) see attached link:

(b)(i) There are 10 ambulances attached to Mount Ayliff Hospital.

(ii) There are 6 functional ambulances out of the 10 ambulances that are allocated to service the district.

(c) The functional ambulances are fully equipped and do not experience any shortages of medical equipment, surgical sundries and fuel.




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