Question NW3680 to the Minister of Trade and Industry

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01 October 2015 - NW3680

Profile picture: Atkinson, Mr P

Atkinson, Mr P to ask the Minister of Trade and Industry

(1)With respect to the Nexus Forensic Services report into the Centurion Aerospace Village (CAV) in Gauteng, (a) which company was contracted to construct the ICT2 Building and (b) when did construction (i) commence and (ii) conclude; (2) (a) which (i) person(s) and/or (ii) companies have assumed tenancy of the ICT2 Building and (b) on which dates did the specified occupancy (i) begin and (ii) end in each specified case; (3) is (a) electricity, (b) water and/or (c) any other service supplied to the ICT2 Building by the CAV; if not, who supplies the ICT2 Building with the specified services; if so, when were the specified services established?NW4347E


1.a) The company contracted to construct the ICT2 Building was Stefannuti Stocks/Timbela Joint Venture.

b) i) The site for the construction was handed over on 23 January 2011. The ‘Works Completion’ was on the 6 December 2011.

ii) The ‘Final Completion/Correction of Defects’ was on 5 December 2012. The official opening of the ICT2 building was on 29 November 2011 and official occupation was on 2 January 2012.

2.a) Occupation of the ICT2 building took place on the 2 January by the CAV staff and by Aerosud.

b) Aerosud and the CAV staff still occupy the building which is mainly used for innovation and training for the Ahrlac programme.

3.a) Electricity, water and sewer services to the ITC2 building was supplied by Aerosud from the commencement of construction as a temporary measure. This was also the case with respect to the provision of electricity to the construction activities for phase two of the CAV.

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