Question NW142 to the Minister of Science and Technology
18 February 2018 - NW142
Gqada, Ms T to ask the Minister of Science and Technology
With reference to the reply of the Minister of Public Service and Administration to question 3797 on 21 December 2018, what was the total expenditure incurred by the department relating to the travel privileges contained in the 2007 Ministerial Handbook of former (a)(i) Minister and (ii) their spouses, (b)(i) Deputy Minister and (ii) their spouse, (c) Ministers’ widows or widowers and (d) Deputy iYlinisters' widows or widowers (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2018?
(a)(i) None
(a)(ii) None
(b)(ii) None
(b)(ii) None
(c) None
(d) None