Question NW3312 to the Minister of Police

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18 September 2015 - NW3312

Profile picture: Lekota, Mr M

Lekota, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

Whether the Government intends to (a) create an amnesty period permitting citizens to hand in firearms and rifles with no questions asked to help removing illegal and unwanted guns and rifles; (b) conduct inspections to ascertain whether holders of firearms licences were complying with statutory requirements, (c) offer rewards for information leading to the seizure of illegal firearms, (d) conduct a countrywide blitz that includes roadblocks to seize illegal firearms and (e) undertake an audit to determine whether the police were fulfilling all statutory and regulatory requirements in respect of removing illegal and unwanted firearms from society; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


a)      In terms of section 139 of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act 60 of 2000) the Minister may by notice in the Government Gazette declare an amnesty in order to allow any person who is in unlawful possession of firearms and /or ammunition the opportunity to surrender such firearms and /or ammunition without fear of being prosecuted for the unlawful possession of such firearms, ammunition and/or firearm parts in contravention of the Act.

b)     In terms of section 106,107,108 and 109 of the Firearm Control Act, 2000 (Act 60 of 2000), a Police Official may conduct such inspection as may be necessary in order to determine whether the requirements and conditions of the Act are being complied with. On a continuous basis inspections are conducted at official and non-official institution to check compliance with legislation.

c)    The South African Police Service has a policy where by citizens (informers) are remunerated for the information given to help combat crime in South Africa.

d)     The South African Police Service is currently embarking on crime combating operations like “Operation Fiela which has a huge success in the seizure of illegal firearms and other crime related issues. This operation is intended to run for 24 months.

e)     The South African Police Service as the custodian of the firearm legislation i.e the Firearm Control Act, 2000 (Act 60 of 2000) and Firearms Control Regulations, 2004 is obliged to ensure the enforcement and compliance of the legislation provisions of the Firearm Control Act and the Firearm Control Regulations. Inspections are conducted on a continuous basis at official and non-official institutions to check compliance with legislation.


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