Question NW3394 to the Minister of Transport

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21 September 2015 - NW3394

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)(a) Do all speed cameras in Mpumalanga have valid calibrator certificates, (b) which company or companies are currently appointed to service the specified speed cameras, (c) do all operators of the specified speed cameras have operator's certificates and (d) are these certificates valid; (2) what class of speed camera is used in Mpumalanga; (3) (a) who mans the vehicles fitted with automatic number plate recognition devices in Mpumalanga, (b) what qualifications do these officials require to operate the specified devices, (c) do these officials have the requisite qualifications and (d) under what law are these officials authorised to compel motorists to pay outstanding fines without proof that summons were received?


1. (a) Yes all speed cameras have valid calibrator certificates.


(b) Truvelo Manufactures for Prolaser cameras,

  • Trans Atlantic Equipment for Trumcam and Radar (Medaco)
  • InterCalibration Natal for Radar and Laser – (Traffic Management Technology) and (Syntel)

(c) Yes, all operators of the above specified speed cameras have operator’s certificates.

(d) Yes, all certificates are valid

(2) Trucam

  • Radar,
  • Prolaser II & III
  • Laser I

(3)(a) ANPR is man by Traffic Officers and Medaco officials who have been trained and appointed as assistant Clerk of the court for any payments.

(b) Officials are trained to work on Trafman and Remcom system and Magistrate is training the same officials as assistant Clerk of the court.

(c) Yes all officials have the requisite qualifications and are duly appointed.

(d) Motorist are not compelled to pay unless it is an outstanding warrant of arrest which was authorised by Magistrate and is executed in terms of Criminal Procedure Act.

If motorists did not receive the Section 54 notice they are notified of the outstanding payment and given the option to make payment to the service provider or to deposit the money through the departmental account.

Offender’s rights are given to them before any payment is received should they wish to make payment on the ANPR bus.


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