Question NW1691 to the Minister of Health

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22 October 2018 - NW1691

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What number of civil law suits involving cases of negligence is the Mpumalanga department of health currently facing, (b) what is the reason for each civil suit involving medical negligence and (c) what is the value of each claim?


There are 588 civil law suits involving cases of negligence that the Mpumalanga Department of Health is currently facing. The nature of the cases differs from maternity, orthopaedic, head injury, circumcision etc. The nature of each case, institution where it occurred and the value of the claim, is attached as an Annexure. Please note that what is regarded as the value of each case is actually contingent liability, i.e it is the money that the litigant is claiming. The actual value can only be determined after the case has been settled in court or by mediation as the case may be.

Annexure A: Number of civil law suits involving cases of negligence in the Mpumalanga Department of Health.