Question NW2578 to the Minister of Water and Sanitation

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08 October 2018 - NW2578

Profile picture: Khawula, Ms MS

Khawula, Ms MS to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)(a) What is the total number of (i) deputy directors-general and (ii) chief directors that are employed in (aa) an acting and (bb) a permanent capacity in her department and (b) what is the total number of women in each case; (2) (a) what is the total number of (i) chief executive officers and (ii) directors of each entity reporting to her and (b) what is the total number of women in each case?


Refer to the table below for the response by the Department:


One (1) acting DDG with a total of 7 permanently employed


A total of eleven (11) chief directors in an acting capacity


A total of 33 permanently employed


One (1) women is acting as DDG, seven (7) women are acting as Chief Directors, three (3) women are permanently appointed as DDG’s and fourteen (14) women are permanently appointed as Chief Directors

(2) Refer to the table below for the response by the entities:




Nine (9) Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)

Four (4) CEOs in an acting capacity (Mhlathuze Water, Sedibeng Water, TCTA and Breede-Gouritz CMA)

Total number of Executive Management (excluding CEOs) is sixty five (65)

Two (2) CEOs

Twenty three (23) Executive Management


Total number of Non-Executive Directors is 93

Forty four (44) Non-Executive Directors

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