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Showing posts from: September 2024

09 September 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (9 September 2024)

SOVEREIGN DEBT National Treasury issued a media statement on the outcome of a recent IMF post-financing assessment visit, among other things noting that South Africa was found to have ‘adequate’ capacity to repay the July 2020 USD 4.3bn IMF loan...
09 September 2024

The Week Ahead: President Appears & Strategic Planning Workshop

A busy and eclectic week of parliamentary action beckons. The President's appearance, a strategic planning workshop, a Ministerial Briefing Session, Oral Question-and-Answer sessions, legislative business, and a few high-profile Committee meetings...
01 September 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (2 September 2024)

NEW LEGISLATION The Presidency issued a media statement announcing that the South African National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency SOC Ltd Bill has been signed into law. At the time of writing, the new Act had not yet been gazetted. However,...
01 September 2024

The Week Ahead: Oral Questions & Legislation

Both chambers have scheduled questions for oral replies with the Executive. Section 92(2) of the Constitution stipulates that cabinet members are accountable collectively and individually to Parliament for exercising their powers and performing their...