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That week in Parliament

19 October 2020

From the Government Gazette, Speeches by Cabinet Ministers & Media Statements (19 October 2020)

There having been no new Covid-19 ministerial directives or disaster management regulations issued last week, this update focuses on other key developments. It does not feature Bills, draft Bills or parliamentary committee media statements. Economic...
18 October 2020

The Week Ahead: Parliament debates the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan

There's a full and mixed flavour to the coming week's parliamentary business. The highlights include a joint debate, Question Time Session with the Deputy President, a Ministerial briefing, legislative business and high-profile Committee hearings....
12 October 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Other Developments: Update (12 October 2020)

LOCKDOWN LEVEL 1 Social grants and services A ministerial directive gazetted on 7 October amended directions in place since 6 August by: extending to 31 December the validity of temporary disability grants and care dependency grants that have already...
12 October 2020

The Week Ahead: President in rare address to Parliament

On Thursday, President Ramaphosa will use a rare address in Parliament to brief the country on the government’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan. Convening an address to both Houses is generally reserved for the State of the Nation Address...
05 October 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Other Developments: Update (5 October 2020)

LOCKDOWN LEVEL 1 Reopening borders and international travel A ministerial directive was gazetted on 30 September: listing the requirements to be met by the residents of other countries wishing to enter South Africa listing the land ports-of-entry at...
05 October 2020

The Week Ahead: Final Term Resumes

Parliament resumes this week after a constituency period. The hybrid Parliament will continue for another term, with some MPs working from the precinct and others remotely. This system is limiting and imperfect but Parliament has been able to perform...
28 September 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Other Developments: Update (28 September 2020)

COVID-19 STATE OF DISASTER AND OTHER DEVELOPMENTS: Update (28 September 2020) LOCKDOWN LEVEL 1 Gatherings A ministerial directive gazetted on 23 September: restricts to 250 and 500 respectively the number of attendees at any indoor or outdoor function...
27 September 2020

Third Term Review (2020)

It was a short and disjointed third term with both Houses starting and ending at different times. Notwithstanding this, there were plenty of highlights during this period: Plenary sessions and Executive oversight The role of Parliament remains...
21 September 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Other Developments: Update (21 September 2020)

LOCKDOWN LEVEL 1 Disaster management regulations   Gazetted on 18 September, the new regulations: came into force at 00:01 on 21 September. They limit the number of people allowed to gather: at large indoor venues (to 250) at open-air venues (to 500)...
14 September 2020

COVID-19 State of Disaster & Other Developments: Update (14 September 2020)

LOCKDOWN LEVEL 2 Temporary employer/employee relief scheme (Ters)   A ministerial directive gazetted on 7 September confirmed that qualifying criteria announced in August will apply until the State of Disaster ends. These are that: for an employee to...