ATC191127: Report of the Select Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy on legislation relating to the domestic trade in Rhinoceros Horns, in terms of Section 8(3) of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004), requiring that all subordinate legislation issued under the Act, which affects provinces, to be submitted to the National Council of Provinces for approval, dated 27 November 2019.

NCOP Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources

Report of the Select Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy on legislation relating to the domestic trade in Rhinoceros Horns, in terms of Section 8(3) of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004), requiring that all subordinate legislation issued under the Act, which affects provinces, to be submitted to the National Council of Provinces for approval, dated 27 November 2019.

The Select Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy, having considered the matter of the subordinate legislation submitted by the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries in terms of Section 8(3) of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004), referred to it on 25 October 2019, reports that the Committee has concluded its deliberations on the matter and recommends the approval of subordinate legislation submitted to the NCOP by the department. 

Report to be considered


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