ATC180522: Report of the Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources on the Plant Breeders Rights Bill [B11B - 2015] (National Assembly – Section 76), dated 22 May 2018

NCOP Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources

Report of the Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources on the Plant Breeders Rights Bill [B11B - 2015] (National Assembly – Section 76), dated 22 May 2018.

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries briefed the committee on 01 August 2017 on the Plant Breeders Rights Bill [B11B - 2015]. The Bill was referred to the committee on 17 November 2016.


The Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources, having deliberated on and considered the subject of the Plant Breeders Rights Bill [B11B - 2015] (National Assembly – sec 76), referred to it and classified by the JTM as a section 76 Bill, reports that it has agreed to an amended Bill [B11D – 2015].   The following amendment was agreed upon:




1.         On page 14, in line 14, to omit "three" and to substitute "six".


Report to be considered.




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